Additional Funding Measures
Additionally the FFA supports targeted measures to strengthen the German film industry on the basis of § 2 of the German Film Law (FFG). This includes, for example, measures for market research, digitisation of the German cinematic heritage, film education (Vision Kino gGmbH), combating piracy, and the international representation of German cinema (German Films Service + Marketing GmbH).
Short Film Award SHORT TIGER
Two initiatives - the FFA’s SHORT TIGER and German Films’ NEXT GENERATION short film programme – have joined forces to award prizes to the best German short films. The initiative aims, among other things, at promoting shorts as supporting films in the cinemas and arousing the international audience’s interest in young German filmmakers.
The FFA short film award SHORT TIGER is open to short films with a length of up to five minutes, which are particularly suitable for screening in front of a large cinema audience. An expert jury decides onup to five nominations and the awarding of prize-money worth 5,000Euros to each film. The prize-money is for a specific purpose and can be used for the release of the winning films or for investment intheproduction of a new film.
The best short films are presented with the FFA's SHORT TIGER in Berlin during the spring and shown at the HDF Cinema Conference in Karlsruhe. They can subsequently be seen as part of the NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER programme at the Cannes Film Festival. In the following months, the NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER programme is shown around the globe at the German Films’ Festivals of German Films and other international festivals.

The Special Children’s Film
The FFA participates in the funding model of “The Special Children’s Film” together with sixteen other institutions from public television, the film industry, film funding programmes from the Federal Governmentand some of the federal states as well as political bodies. The aim of this initiative, which was launched in 2013, is to create more awareness and importance for those children’s films based on original stories. The FFA makes 500,000 Euros available each year for the development and production of the selected projects.
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