Video Funding

Funding applications can be filed with the FFA by video distributors who release a German feature film on DVD or Blu-ray Disc, or by providers of video-on-demand services with headquarters or a branch in Germany, who have a German feature film in their lineup. This funding is awarded as an interest-free loan.

Funding of up to 600,000 Euros can be approved as interest-free, conditionally repayable loans to cover the release costs of German feature films on DVD, Blu-ray Disc or via Video-on-Demand services. In addition, loans of up to 150,000 Euros can be allocated for making fully accessible versions, for  eemplary promotional activities, special expenditure incurred in distributing films for children and young people as well as for making foreign language versions.

Applications can be submitted by video distribution companies and operators of Video-on-Demand services with headquarters or a branch office in Germany, or by foreign operators provided that they pay a film levy.

Applications for video funding can be submitted simultaneously with applications for distribution funding. The committee for distribution, sales and video funding usually takes decisions six times a year.


Johannes Uebel

Phone: 030 27577-317

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